Deadline extended, some seats still available
The first whole-body 11.7T MRI magnet has been delivered at NeuroSpin after years of completion and an epic journey on trucks and boats. With the ISMRM Engineering Study Group we thought that it would be nice to show this outstanding piece of equipment (as well as the impressive attached cryogenic facility) to those attending the Paris ISMRM meeting.
The workshop will consist in invited lectures by leaders in the field, posters from attendees and poster awards organized by the ISMRM Engineering Study Group, and a guided tour of NeuroSpin facilities (by small groups).
Seating capacity is limited, and acceptance will be on a first-come first-served basis with priority given to the members of the ISMRM Engineering and High Field Study Groups, so we urge you to register as early as possible.
Registration fees will be 70€, we will provide transportation, coffee breaks and a buffet lunch. If you want to register, please fill in the registration form and mail it before April 30th, 2018, to Mrs Maryline Hevin (
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