Imagerie par
Resonance Magnetique: Bases Physiques. Masson , Paris, 1984. (first textbook on MRI physics
in French)
Bihan D,
Editor. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Diffusion and Perfusion:
Applications to Functional Imaging. Lippincott-Raven Press, New York,
(only textbook on Diffusion
MRI, first textbook published on fMRI.
Today out of print, but see comments/reviews
on amazon.com for limited availability).
- Le Bihan
D & Fukuyama H, Editors. Water: The forgotten
Biological Molecule. Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore,
- Le Bihan D. Le cerveau de cristal. Editions Odile Jacob,
Paris, 2012.
- Le Bihan D. Looking inside the brain: The power of neuroimaging. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2014.
. Also
an author of many book chapters. See, for instance:
Techniques- Encycl. Med. Chir. (Paris, France), Radiodiagnostic VI, 1990.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Bradley and Stark, Eds , Mosby, St-Louis,
- Magnetic Resonance Angiography,
Potchen EJ, Haacke EM, Siebert JE,
Gottschalk A, Eds., Mosby, St-Louis, 1992.
- NMR in Physiology and Biomedicine, Gillies R, Ed. Academic Press, Inc.,
San Diego, California , 1994.
- Advanced Techniques and Clinical Applications in Biomedical Thermology,
Mabuchi K, Mizushina S, Harrison B, Eds. Hardwood Academic Publishers,
Chur, Switzerland, 1995.
- Non-Invasive thermometry of the Human Body, Miyakawa M & Bolomey
J.Ch., Eds., CRC, Boca Raton, Florida 1996.
- Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.,
Chichester, England, 1996.
- Principles and Practice of Thermoradiotherapy and Thermochemotherapy,
Seegenschmiedt MH, Fessenden P, Vernon CC, Eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
- Le cerveau en action, Dehaene S., Ed., PUF, Paris, 1996.
Cerveaux et Machines, V. Bloch Ed. Institut Frédérik Bull, Hermes
Science Publications, Paris, 1999.
- The
languages of the brain. A.L. Galaburda, S.M. Kosslyn, Y. Christen, Eds.,
Harvard University Press, 2002. - Diffusion MRI: Thoery, Methods and Applications. D.K.
Jones Ed., Oxford University Press, 2011. |